Wednesday, May 16, 2018



2 oceans meet but don't mix.FACT but phenomenon.Pic shows 2 different ocean water bodies meeting in middle of Alaskan Gulf, where a foam is formed at the merging junction.This happens when glaciers of fresh water start melting and flow to join the ocean water which is more salty.Due to the difference in the salinity and densities of these 2 meeting ocean water bodies, a surface tension is developed between them that acts like a thin wall and does not allow them to mix. Eventually they will.

The two water bodies that meet here are - Bering Sea & North Pacific Ocean which are separated by the archipelago of Aleutian islands. 

The reason they do not mix is the opposite direction of the ocean currents in these two water bodies. That is, (i) Oya Shio current in Bering sea flowing towards Japan and (ii) North Pacific Current & California Current flowing towards the west coast of North America.

But, this Oya Shio current meets the Kuro Shio current near Japan's east coast and flow towards the east to meet the North Pacific Current, which is south to the Gulf of Alaska.

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